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Delegating and self-reliance

Competent professionals have a tendency toward doing everything themselves. Over a decade ago, David Maister estimated that half of the productive capacity of the typical...

Sustain the vision

"Quit or be exceptional" Seth Godin Leading change in a large organization takes a lot of energy.  Sustained energy.  Especially when weariness sets in, the task becomes daunting...

“Ruthlessly Focused On The Objective”

There's a great scene in one of the original Star Wars' movies where old Yoda tells young Skywalker to raise his X-Wing fighter out of the swamp using the Force. Luke sighs and...

All You Need To Know To Get More Done With Less

...that it is possible. Seth Godin shares a great story on his blog today about an ultra-light weight hiker whose trail name is Wolf.  "Wolf was carrying a super-small pack which...

Coach To Win

"Adaptability is not imitation.  It means power of resistance and assimilation"  Gandhi   The most frightening thing I've observed lately is an attitude of resignation.  Many...