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All You Need To Know To Get More Done With Less

January 3, 2021
Leadership Advisory

…that it is possible.

Seth Godin shares a great story on his blog today about an ultra-light weight hiker whose trail name is Wolf.  “Wolf was carrying a super-small pack which weighed 14 pounds including food and water.  When asked how he got his pack weight so low, Wolf would reply, ‘All you need to know is that it’s possible’.”

Leaders across industries and business sectors are facing shrinking resources and fewer qualified people.  Meanwhile, delivering on commitments to clients and meeting profitability goals is becoming more demanding.

Productivity is determined by your philosophy.  If you have a scarcity view of resources you may only focus on why something is not possible.  It’s easy to make excuses and find reasons not to press on, to be creative, to get things done in the face of inadequate resources.  It’s not easy to demand more of self and others.  It’s not easy to figure out how to get by on less money, less people and less infrastructure.

While you may be racking your brain to stretch the few people and little resources you have, all you really need to know is that it’s possible.  It may not be easy, but it is possible.

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Desperation Diminishes

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