I've heard it said that we are no longer in the information age; we are in the recommender age. Google is the best example of this reality. A national tax leader shared with me...
The Key To Excellence In Client Service…
...don't do less than your best. Invest all of who you are in serving your clients. Do not neglect to deliver the things that are easy for you to do. It's the easy things, the...
Proven Practices Restrict…
....creativity and innovation if you're close-minded. Employing proven solutions to problems and planning work great, most of the time. Just don't become too dependent on them....
One more thing about commitment to clients…
Valuing the client boils down to having an authentic 'others-centered' attitude. Humility. "If a man would make his world large, he must be always making himself small...Towers...
Value The Client
It's easy to get distracted and not bring your personal best to serving clients. Work loads, internal procedures and even the pursuit of new business can lead to neglecting...
5 Client Focus Traits
Client focus involves more than just regular contact with the client. It is the ability to anticipate clients' needs, develop creative solutions and support the delivery of...