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Getting Results In Difficult Times: Improvise

January 7, 2021
Leadership Advisory

Be open to everything that happens.

Improv comedians and actors follow a basic principle that is required for improv to work.  It is the art of being open to every idea and word you are given in the moment, without any resistance. The moment you resist what is coming your way the magic of the moment is shut down and creativity lost.

An open mind free of preconceived beliefs allows innovative ideas to surface in your conscious mind.  Be Versatile. When I catch myself thinking something is not possible, I immediately challenge that thought and ask, “Why not?”

As the unexpected, unanticipated surprises and challenges come your way in difficult times, remember the discipline of the improv artist.  Don’t resist the ideas, or the problems you’re handed. Be open and the solution will flow out of you without effort.  Improvise!

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