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Showing The Way

January 3, 2021
Leadership Advisory

…is almost always more effective than giving directives.

The best way to motivate your people toward generating more business is to lead by example.  What’s on your calendar?

If you’re not devoting a significant amount of time meeting with clients, your people may have a hard time taking you serious next time you ask them to sell more. People must see you take personal action for growing the business before they can hear you.

Observing Staff Potential

The ability to assess talent in others requires personal interest and engagement. Spotting latent talent in people involves the daily practice of intentional observation.  Leaders often become consumed with meetings, administrative tasks and completing performance...

Leaders Remove Process Barriers

You just boarded the plane with coffee in hand, stashed your bags overhead, and the pilot announces, "we have a minor maintenance item, then we'll be on our way." Now, anyone who depends on the airlines for their daily commute knows that when it comes to aircraft...

Followers or Subordinates…

...the choice is up to you. Getting off on the right foot as a new leader is no easy task.  The assumption many executives and partners make is that the firm has given them a group of willing followers.  Actually, what you've been given is an opportunity to create...