...demands self-control The meeting ran late, the taxi took twice the time estimated to arrive leaving 15 minutes to clear security and board my flight. To my good fortune,...
Desperation Diminishes
"Desperation is like stealing from the Mafia: you stand a good chance of attracting the wrong attention." Douglas Horton Many capable professionals disqualify themselves from...
Realistic or just stuck?
Pragmatism is basically considered a virtue in the world of accounting, finance and consulting. But there is a risk of being too realistic and over-relying on how you've always...
Uncomfortable Conversations
Seth Godin asks, "Who is making you uncomfortable?" and warns that insulating ourselves from uncomfortable conversations benefit no one. Avoiding the uncomfortable encounters...
You can say all the right things
...but are you convincing? Few things can be more frustrating than a person who tells you what you want to hear, but fails to persuade you that they mean it. You know, those...
Elevating Potential
The art of confronting performance is the ability to analyze talent and taking the time to help people tap into their full talent capability. This is a critical first step...